How to Find a Lawyer to Sue a Debt Collector

Kreg Bale
Kreg Bale July 14, 2022
Updated 2022/07/14 at 6:40 AM
How to Find a Lawyer to Sue a Debt Collector

If you borrow money and do not keep up with your payments the lender might take certain actions to try to recover their money. The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) has stipulations for what a debt collector can do, and what they aren’t allowed to do, when trying to recover money. A common issue with debt collection is harassment. A debt collector is legally allowed to pressure you into paying a debt, but they cannot threaten, embarrass, or harass you in the course of doing so. If you feel your rights have been violated and that the debt collector has violated the FDCPA, you can sue for damages. For that, you will need a lawyer. So, how do you find a lawyer to sue debt collector?

Ask for Referrals

While it is possible to find a good lawyer by doing some online research, this is not the best way of going about it. There is no guarantee that the lawyer you find is a good one or will produce the results you seek. 

One approach that works best is talking to people you already know and asking for a referral. Ideally, these should be people who had the same debt collection issue you have and who got a great lawyer to resolve things for them.

Once you have a list of lawyers, it is time to look them up and get in touch. The best lawyers have websites where you can find information and additional reviews from people they have helped. They also allow you to get in touch to discuss your case. 

Once you get in touch with them, the first step will be to review your case and evidence. Ensuring your lawyer is thorough here is crucial for winning. You can reach lawyers like the Fair Credit attorneys who deal with debt collection issues to get this process started.

Find a Lawyer Through the National Association of Consumer Advocates (NACA)

NACA is a nonprofit with more than 1500 consumer advocates and lawyers. These lawyers and advocates protect consumer interests. Once you get in touch with the nonprofit through their website, they will help you find a lawyer who will take your case and help you sue for various debt collection practices and harassment.

If you do not have the assets required to sue a debt collector, you can get help from firms that provide legal aid services. There are online directories that will help you find the right service and from there you can find a lawyer to take your case.

It is important to mention here that there are law firms that do not offer legal aid services but offer their services without charging anything upfront. These law firms only get paid when you win, and this is why many of them will fight hard to ensure this happens.

Bar Association Lawyer Referral Services

Many state and local bar associations maintain directories of lawyers who provide different services and who practice in different areas. Get in touch with one in your area to see if they have a lawyer who will help with suing a debt collector. Some of these lawyers work for free (pro bono) meaning they do not get paid whether you win or not.

Suing a debt collector for illegal practices is something you could consider if you are having this issue. Finding the right lawyer to sue debt collector, is a crucial step in ensuring your suit is successful.

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