This post will reveal 10 hidden Credit Card benefits you probably don’t know about. It may be tedious to read through your credit card’s terms and conditions statement. That is why only a few people know about the valuable information it carries. Why this happens is because it contains unpopular information about credit card fees and interest rates. In some cases, reading the fine prints may reveal nuggets that could save you a lot of money. But in this case, reading it will reveal perks you are not using because you don’t know they exist. These benefits can save cardholders time and money.
Besides, you know, that most card issuers only publish benefits like cash back, travel rewards, and leave these ones from their marketing ads. So read through our list of credit card benefits and then confirm with your credit card issuer the exact things you can enjoy apart from the well-known perks. So let us begin immediately and reveal these credit card benefits.
10 hidden Credit Card benefits you probably don’t know about
1. Price protection
As a human being, you may feel cheated when you buy an item and a few days later, find out that the price is lower than the amount of money you used in purchasing it. Some stores will give you the difference if the price drops a few days after your purchase. But this is not the norm even when you find a lower price at another retailer’s shop.
You may not know this. Your credit card may have this feature and could refund you the difference if the scenario we discussed above happens.
For instance, Discover and Citi cards have this feature. There is a Citi bank app that carries out price rewind by searching for lower prices on an item you purchased. You will get a refund of the difference if it discovers lower prices on that item within 60 days you bought it.
While Discover will refund give a refund of up to $500 if they find out that there is a price variance in any store that occurred in an item you bought within 90 days.

2. Extended Warranty Coverage
The extended warranty coverage is one of the hidden credit card benefits that you should examine thoroughly.
Electronic items normally ship with extended warranty coverage that could reach up to 1 year. But if the warranty expires and you damage your gadget, is there any remedy?
The truth is that if you bought this gadget with a credit card that provides extended warranty coverage, the issuer of the card might either replace that item or reimburse you.
And, you will submit documents to process the claim. But if the item is costly, it is worth it. Don’t you think? So, the next time you are buying a costly item with your credit card, examine your cards and use the one that has extended warranty coverage to buy that item.
3. Return Guarantees
There are times you buy an item and later find out that you bought it in error. And you were unable to return it on time. And due to that reason, the store you purchased it will refuse to accept it.
The next time this happens, if you purchased the item with a credit card, examine the card to find out if the card issuer offers a return guarantee. If the issuer does, you will be given a refund.
4. Cell Phone Protection
In these days of advanced and costly Smartphones, getting credit card benefits for your Smartphone ought to ring a bell. Smartphones are costly items and if they are stolen or get damaged, you could approach your credit card issuer to bail you out.
But to enjoy this perk, you need to pay your monthly wireless bill with a credit card that offers this benefit. For example, Wells Fargo Wise Visa card will give you up to $600 with a $25 deduction for damages that are covered or theft of your Cell phone.
But you will have to prove that the smart device was stolen by submitting a Police report.

5. Trip Cancellation Insurance
If you have planned to take a vacation but cancel it due to weather, illness, or death of a loved one, and have already booked your trip with a credit card that has travel insurance, you may try to get all your money back or at least part of it.
The policies may vary for different cards that have this insurance or the amount they will pay for a canceled trip and what they cover.
Some Citi cards have insurance cover of up to $5,000 per traveler per trip when the person falls ill and other situations. Also, Chase Sapphire Preferred Card could give you a refund of up to $10,000 per trip for prepaid nonrefundable travel expenses when you cancel due to illness, bad weather or some other situations. In addition, your credit may provide other types of trip insurance, such as lost or delayed baggage protection, or insurance for trip interruption. Read about them here.
6. Emergency Travel Assistance
If you are in a strange place and trapped due to an emergency situation, you can get emergency travel assistance. Visa card has Travel Emergency Assistance services. And all Visa Signature and Visa Travel Money cardholders can make use of this credit card benefits.
The insurance covers getting a referral for medical, legal and transportation assistance, plus other services. You may have access to this service for free, daily and throughout the year.

7. Free Museum Entrance
If you love culture and visiting a museum, your credit card can give you a discounted museum access. Bank of America has this feature in her cards. So a bank of America debit or credit card holder can enjoy this benefit.
This feature is called the “Museums and Us” program. It provides you free and general admission on the first full weekend each month. You can get a complete list of museums that are participating in this program on their website.
For example, you may visit popular places like the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City and The Art Institute of Chicago and gain access free.
8. Access to Special Events and Concerts
If you love concerts and special events, making use of hidden credit card benefits, could give you the best seats at events. Buying concert tickets can be stressful when everyone is struggling to get the best seat.
Some card issuers provide vantage seats for in-demand shows or sporting events by allowing the presale of these tickets. Citi Private Pass has that program. Also, Chase Sapphire On Location offers access to popular events like tickets to Sundance Festival to its cardholders. Learn more.
9. Concierge Services
You can have a personal restaurant reservation and get the best on your next trip if only you look to your credit card issuer. For instance, if you are a Visa Signature Cardholder, you can use the concierge service that is at your service for 24 hours a day.
Also, some American Express card offers this service. They will book a private jet and arrange a business meeting for you. This is also another of the hidden credit card benefits.

10. ShopRunner
The shoprunner service is a shopping service that provides you unlimited free 2-day shipping, free return shipping, exclusive deals and so on. The membership fee is $79 for a year. But if you hold the American Express, Mastercard World and World Elite credit cards, it is free.
But you will have to activate your membership with your card at the ShopRunner website.
In this article, we revealed 10 hidden Credit Card benefits you probably don’t know about. Now that you are aware of these perks, take full advantage of them today. They are there but until you use them, you are not maximizing the full benefits of your card.