10 CEO Books Every Aspiring Business Executive Should Read

Kreg Bale
Kreg Bale June 3, 2020
Updated 2021/02/20 at 10:41 PM
CEO Books

This post lists 10 CEO books every aspiring business executive should read. The books range from management to personal development, motivation, leadership and relationship management. They will give you some leadership insights and more knowledge as you aspire to lead an organization.  Also, you know that being a CEO or entrepreneur is not a child’s play. As a CEO, you have to supervise the creation of a product, market it and inspire your employees. Besides you need to master the art of influencing others and relating with stockholders. But that shouldn’t scare you because there are books that will help you to be on top of the game. So, if you are ready to step up, here are the CEO books.

10 Ceo Books Every Aspiring Business Executive Should Read


  • Meetings Suck by Cameron Herod


If you are an aspiring CEO the first thing you will find out is that people hate meetings. That is why the COO of Alliance wrote this book. He went to town to ask people why they hate meetings and how companies can make meetings well-organized and useful. Get this book on Amazon.

CEO Books


  • 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen R.Covey


This book is a classic that is more of personal development and leadership book. Also, it one of the CEO books every aspiring business executive should read. Covey wrote this book to help you manage your time and those you lead more effectively. Also, the author gives valuable management advice every aspiring CEO should take to run a more productive business and have a more cohesive team.  Get this book on Amazon.

CEO Books


Leadership is the mantra of Navy Seals and this book explains why they are great at the work they do. The authors bring real combat stories into life and use them as business advice. Most leaders know that split-second decisions can either, make you a success or a failure at a project and that is why you must be alert and ready at all times so that you are not caught unawares. Get this book on Amazon.

CEO Books


  • Creativity, Inc. by Ed Catmull and Amy Wallace


If you need another CEO books every aspiring business executive should read, get Creativity Inc.  Getting the right mix of those that surround you is the most important thing you should do as you pursue entrepreneurship. And if you are able to tap into your assistant’s creative genius that would be a bonus.

The author and a Pixar Co-founder Ed Catmull and Amy Wallace a journalist, wrote this management guide for leaders. The book teaches you how to tap into the creative people around you and make your organization more successful. Get this book on Amazon.

CEO Books


  • 48 Laws of Power by Robert Greene


Many CEOs praise this book as a must-read for all aspiring leaders. The book focuses on the power dynamics between the people you relate to every day. When you read the book you will see why a lot of people applaud the 48 Laws of Power by Robert Green.  Get this book on Amazon.

CEO Books


  • Start with Why by Simon Sinek


Here is one of the next CEO books every aspiring business executive should read. This book examines the question every CEO or leader should ask. They include Why are we in business? And, why are we inspired? Furthermore, the author explains how asking this question when you are starting that business, is the best way to understand your value system. Also, how you value the system relates to your customers and your team. And if you apply this method, it will take you far. Get this book on Amazon.

CEO Books


  • How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie


This is another classic that will help you to relate with others and influence them. It is a bestseller since Dale Carnegie first published it in 1937. Also, the tips are relevant to modern leaders and you should have it in your library. But most importantly, you should read it and apply it to yourself, the team, family and everyone you meet. Get this book on Amazon.

CEO Books


  • Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell


Outlier is the next CEO books every aspiring business executive should read.  Why? Well, if you want to know what makes exceptionally successful people winners, then Outliers will guide you well. The author goes ahead to list what these successful people have in common. And the most vital point you should note as a CEO is that, you drive to success by hard work. But success is not defined by hard work. Also, if you succeed or fail there is a science behind what happened and why it happened. Get this book on Amazon.

CEO Books


  • Tools of Titans by Tim Ferriss


This is the same man that wrote the 4-Hour Work Week. This is his next book after that initial book. The author shows you the routines and habits of successful people. He got most of this from his podcast which has featured many rich and important people. The author takes this book as a personal journal of each of the contributors. Get this book on Amazon.

CEO Books


  • Good to Great by Jim Collins


This last book in this list of the best CEO books every aspiring business executive should read is truly a goldmine. This book examines what makes a good company and what makes a great company and gives advice on how to move from the former to the later. The author is able to identify myths and the crucial path that successful companies take to reach their goal of greatness. Get this Book on Amazon

CEO Books


In this article, I brought you CEO books every aspiring business executive should read. The books are from different fields but, they are all geared to make you well rounded and ready to assume your  CEO role easily. Get the books and improve your leadership capabilities.

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