8 Best Books On Saving Money And Personal Budgeting That You Should Read

Kreg Bale
Kreg Bale June 2, 2020
Updated 2021/02/20 at 11:18 PM
Best Books on Saving Money

In this post, you will get a list of the best books on saving money that you can learn from. These books will treat how to make a financial plan, budget, live financially free, save and  invest your money. They are different books and are all packaged to make you  richer  if you apply what they teach daily.  When you apply what they teach what will happen is that your finances will improve and you will live a healthier and more prosperous life. Their advice is easy to follow and they present you a new way to free yourself from debt.

For example, budgeting is the first step to having sound personal finance. Also, after reading some books here, you will be able to make a budget and learn to follow it. Let us see some of the best books on saving money now.

8 Best Books On Saving Money And Personal Budgeting That You Should Read

  1. The Simple Dollar: How One Man Wiped Out His Debts and Achieved the Life of His Dreams by Trent A. Hamm

This book tells the personal story of the author and how he was able to set himself free from debt. So if you read this book you can apply his ideas to get the kind of results he had. The book prepares you for the expected and the unexpected things that could happen to your budgeting.

You can apply the teachings because they are practical steps. The book is direct and engages the reader fully. Take action on what you will learn in the book although his blog shares the same information. Buy this book on Amazon.

Best Books on Saving Money

  1. 365 Ways to Live Cheap: Your Everyday Guide to Saving Money by Trent Hamm

This is one of the best books on saving money titled 365 Ways to Live Cheap, a frugal living book. However, there are other chapters like how to save money for the long term in the book. There is about saving $65 yearly if you use cold water to wash your clothes. And if you buy a deep freezer and buy food in bulk you will save money on Groceries.

The author provides many ways to cut costs and live a healthy life. Most of the tips are not entirely new but he points out some expenses you make daily which you shouldn’t do. This book helps you to recognize additional expenses you can cut to save more. Buy this book on Amazon.

Best Books on Saving Money

  1. Couponing for the Rest of Us: The Not-So-Extreme Guide to Saving More by Kasey Knight Trenum

If you love using coupons but you don’t want to cut it personally then, this book will guide you. The author knows people are not interested in cutting coupons but they know the value of a coupon in a tough economy.

The book focuses on finding coupons for items the family eats, how to cut internet bills, find out sales cycles, and make shopping stress free. Besides, the book is humorous and easy to read.

Also, the author is a mother and because of that, she can connect with the readers who go through the same issues. The book shows you simple things you can do to save money while you are shopping. Buy this book on Amazon.

Best Books on Saving Money

  1. Money Secrets of the Amish: Finding True Abundance in Simplicity, Sharing, and Saving by Lorilee Craker

The author explores the secrets of Amish that let him thrive amid hard times. The secrets are his financial habits. And that is why it is in this list of the best books on saving money. Also, if you form the same habits, you can save money and accumulate wealth.

The book is interesting and enjoyable and gives you catchy phrases like using it up, recycle, make do, repurpose, and so on. Lorilee provides smart ideas for saving money that is practical like that of Amish. The stories relate how to trade for goods and services, make bargaining, live with less, staying out of debt and ask you to stop trying to impress others.

The book teaches you how to discipline yourself, family, and showing what it means to be wealthy. Also, the books want you to differentiate between what is valuable and what is not. This will enable you to change your life. The book is easy to read and it will help you reduce wasteful attitudes. Buy this book on Amazon.

Best Books on Saving Money

  1. The Budgeting Habit: How to Make a Budget and Stick to It! by SJ Scott and Rebecca Livermore

The authors point to budgeting as the solution for personal finance success. You will learn in a step by step guide how to make a budget. As you know, budgeting is a boring subject but if you do it right you will succeed financially.

The book provides you a practical guide for making an easy and effective budget. And the book also teaches you to form a habit of following your budget. Buy this book on Amazon.

Best Books on Saving Money

  1. Cut Your Grocery Bill in Half With America’s Cheapest Family: Includes So Many Innovative Strategies You Won’t Have to Cut Coupons by Steve Economides and Annette Economides

This book is on this list of best books on saving money because it saves you a lot of money. This book will let you save money on daily groceries without wasting time searching for coupons. You will also be able to reduce your shopping trip to once each week or less, eat well and save money too.

The authors are husband and wife and they practice what they preach and you can easily relate to this book with practical tips. Also, the tips are useful for married and single people. The book is easy to read and motivates you to make small changes that accumulate to large savings.

Besides, you will learn how to cut your grocery bill by half if you follow instructions in the book. The book includes recipes and meal recommendations.  Buy this book on Amazon.

Best Books on Saving Money

  1. You Are a Badass at Making Money: Master the Mindset of Wealth by Jen Sincero

The author focuses on those things that hold people from reaching their peak performance life in a similar book titled You Are A Badass. However, in this current book, she focuses on Money. She helps you learn about what is holding you back financially. And shows you how to reach the top of money-making by asking that you change your mindset, and uniquely guides you to reach financial success. Buy this book on Amazon.

Best Books on Saving Money

  1. The Minimalist Budget BOXED SET – A Practical Guide On How To Spend Less and Live More by Simeon Lindstrom

This book gives you simple, short and fast advice on budgeting and that is why it is among the best books on saving money. The Minimalist Budget Boxed Set is a collection of three books. All three books are short and easy to understand and logical.

However, these books should have been better if they all had more practical advice. But the third book, will give you more practical steps for making a budget. So read it to the end. Buy this book on Amazon.

Best Books on Saving Money


In this post, I gave you a list of 8 best books on saving money. To have more money, you must first learn to save a portion of what you earn. Then you must learn how to make personal budgeting and live on it. If you do, you will be able to start investing what accumulates. These books help you save, budget and live frugal healthy lives. Buy these books on Amazon to read and apply what you learn.

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